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Children in Chesterfield, Sheffield, Dronfield and Mansfield

How to Tell Your Children That You Are Separating

Going through a divorce or separation is hard at the best of times but is often even harder when there are children involved in the relationship.

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How to Tell Your Children That You Are Separating

At Banner Jones we provide expert advice on how to cope with a divorce if you have children.

You know your children better than anyone else and as a parent you are best placed to make the important decisions for them, but there may be times you need more advice and support regarding children and divorce.

If you have children and you are getting divorced, separating or your cohabitation is breaking up we can advise you on a wide range of issues relating to children.

As far as possible, we can help you reach an amicable agreement which is always based upon what is in the children’s best interests. However, where necessary, we can apply to the courts to appropriate orders.

Our divorce and separation specialists in Chesterfield, Dronfield, Mansfield and Sheffield are here to guide you every step of the way.

Why Choose Banner Jones?

1) We have a wealth of experience in all aspects of family law.

Whether you need help with divorce settlements, financial settlements, prenuptial agreements, issues related to your children or even domestic abuse, we can help. Your matter will be treated with the utmost sensitivity.

2) We’re here to support you!

The world of Family Law is complex, and every case is unique. Everyone has their unique set of circumstances, and there could be many options you need to consider. At Banner Jones, we aim to make the process as straightforward and as hassle-free as possible.

3) Communication is key

When dealing with any legal matter, it is vital that you receive the best service possible. Our Family Law team offers excellent customer service, with 97% of clients saying they’d recommend us to a friend.

4) We're one of the top legal firms in the UK.

For five years in a row, Banner Jones Solicitors has been ranked as a ‘Leading Firm’ within the “UK Legal 500". With offices in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire, we've helped many clients with their family law matters.

5) We offer fixed fee where possible.

There will be no hidden charges, everything is explained up front.

For more information, call Banner Jones on 0344 558 0343 confidence. We are here to help.

Accredited Child Law

Want to know more?

Common questions

He's got to keep a roof over our heads hasn't he?

Non-residential parents have to pay maintenance for their children; hopefully the amount can be agreed though negotiation and if not then the CSA will decide. Each case is different. If for example the Mum and the children stay in the family home then she may relinquish her claims over any other assets such as pension and savings in return.

How soon can I file for a no fault divorce?

You can get divorced in England or Wales if all of the following are true:

  • you’ve been married for over a year
  • your relationship has permanently broken down
  • your marriage is legally recognised in the UK (including same-sex marriage)
What am I entitled to in a no fault divorce?

The aim when sharing out matrimonial assets is to be fair. Both spouses have to make full disclosure about their assets and debts before any decisions can be made about distribution, trying to hide anything won't work. Factors which are important when sharing out the assets include the current and future needs of each spouse and any dependent children; the length of marriage and the age, earning capacity and contributions of each party.

Will I lose touch with my children?

Your aim should be that both parents still play an active part in the raising of the child/children.  Usually parents sort this out amongst themselves, although if there are problems mediation can be a good way to resolve this.  Going to Court should always be the last resort where children are involved.

Will we have to go to Court during our divorce?

No, getting a divorce should be an administrative excersise only and there are many options open to you that avoid going to Court.

Divorce and Children 

Thank you for all your hard work and compassion with my matters.

Miss P, Chesterfield


You can't begin to imagine how grateful I am to you.  You have been matter of fact rather than thinking about the earning potential.  You are a lovely women so thank you so so much.  

Mrs L, Hasland

Shetal Gudgeon was absolutely brillant dealing with my matter and have recommended her to friends going through the same thing. She is friendly and professional and made me feel at ease

Ms W, Chesterfield

Divorce and Family Law

I found the firm generally helpful, polite and a pleasure to deal with.

Mrs W, Stavely

Great service, thank you for all your help.

Mr T, Nottingham

I would like to say a big thank you for your understanding at a very stressful time. You not only acted professionally but with great compassion. My family can not say in words how difficult a time we are having, and it means so much to have just a little kindness. No matter what the outcome today, you did a wonderful job.

Mr W, Swinton

You were very helpful and sympathetic whilst dealing with my case and your knowledge and advice was excellent. Once initiated, my case was dealt with speed, professionalism. Good contact and communication was maintained throughout.

Mr G, Staveley

Peter Jones is a very good solicitor, and helped and advised me to do what was best. He does not pressure you into taking his advice.

Mrs B, Boythorpe

We’re really grateful for the work you did for us. 10 out of 10!

Mr & Mrs S, Bridlington

Brilliant service, kept well informed all the way through the process. Would definitely recommend.

Miss H, Nottinghamshire

Cannot fault the service, efficient, prompt and cautious. Matters explained very well and clearly. Pleasantly surprised.

Mr & Mrs D, Mansfield

Service provided was excellent. All the staff were very helpful, considerate and professional. I would highly recommend to friends and family.

Mr W, Nottinghamshire

My wife and I would like to thank you for representing us and achieving an outcome that exceeded our hopes and expectatons.

Mr & Mrs N

We would like to thank you for all your help over the last few months and are relieved that's its all over. The children are happy to be back home with mum and have started to settle back down. 

Mr F, Chesterfield

Thank you Helena for all of your help and support. We have one very happy boy again.

Mr & Mrs L, Chesterfield

I just want to say thank you for your help and support with everything regarding my daughter It's just given me so much peace of mind, knowing that I had you representing me, and was prepared around all aspects of the case. Today has just allowed me to put the last few months behind me, and move forward with my life as a whole after a bad year. I can't wait to start spending some real, quality time with my daughter again, and actually get to watch her grow up.

Mr C, Chesterfield

Dear Peter, thank you for everything, especially your time in supporting me and most of all making me see sense.

Ms B, Chesterfield

A very big thank you to Peter Jones for the support, advice and guidance that you have given us over the last few months. Without fail, you have pitched your manner exactly right on each occasion, and I believe that you have definitley gone the extra mile and on more than one occasion!

On a personal note, I just wanted to thank you for guiding me towards the right decisions to help my daughter when my emotional involvement overshaddowed  my commonsense! Amazing work!

Miss G

Thank you Peter for getting my baby back I won't ever forget you and what you did for us.

Miss M, Chesterfield

That was absolutely quick and fantastic. You have been great since I chose you to be my solicitor, massive thanks for all your help during the year .

Miss K, Sheffield

In the 2021 guide Shetal received this testimonial from a women's refuge;

‘Shetal Gudgeon has a long history of working with women fleeing domestic abuse. We recommend her to our residents because we like the manner and tone of voice she uses when communicating with our women. She makes them feel valued and important. She shows empathy and respect. This is something some of our women have never experienced. Our women need a certain kind of person as they have fled domestic abuse, lost their homes and sometimes children. They have complex needs and are dealing with trauma.’

Previously recognised as a recommended Family Lawyer in The Good Lawyer Guide – the independent guide to solicitors in England and Wales –She is well known for providing clear and practical advice described as “second to none” and leaving “no stone unturned”. She has also been described as “professional”, “welcoming” and “empathetic”. Shetal works closely with her contacts such as charities in the areas of domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Women's refuge

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We take data privacy very seriously, and we want you to understand and feel confident about how we collect, store and handle your personal data. If you’d like to find out more you can read our Privacy Policy.