Parental Alienation
At Banner Jones, we understand that parents or carers may not get along. However, it is imperative that the child’s best interests are prioritised over and above any negativity the parents or carers have towards each other.

Parental Alienation in Chesterfield, Sheffield, Dronfield and Mansfield
We can help with your divorce, children or finances matter
A common and misused terms when dealing with difficult cases involving the arrangements for a child is ‘Parental Alienation’. Parental Alienation Syndrome is a term introduced in the USA to describe signs and symptoms believed to be shown by children who have been alienated from one parent through manipulation by the other parent especially in cases where the parents are separated.
However, the Courts are strongly opposed to parents or carers using this term because of the negative meaning it holds. Cafcass (The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) instead ‘uses the term alienating behaviours to describe circumstances where there is an ongoing pattern of negative attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of one parent (carer) that have the potential or expressed intent to undermine or obstruct the child’s relationship with the other parent. It is one of a number of reasons why a child may reject or resist spending time with one parent post separation.’
It is important that when dealing with alienating behaviours that focus is spent on explaining the type of behaviours taking place rather than using the words ‘parental alienation’ and/or ‘alienation’.
At Banner Jones, we understand that parents or carers may not get along. However, it is imperative that the child’s best interests are prioritised over and above any negativity the parents or carers have towards each other.
It is important to note that both men and women can demonstrate such behaviours.
The type of alienating behaviours commonly seen include;
- Repeatedly or constantly criticising or belittling the other parent or carer,
- Unjustifiably limiting, restricting or undermining contact,
- Forbidding discussion about the other parent or carer,
- Creating the impression that the other parent or carer dislikes or does not love the child, or has harmed them or intends to harm them,
- Denying emotional responsiveness to the other parent or career or spurning, terrorising, isolating, corrupting or exploiting the,
- Purposefully making plans or arranging events at a time when the child is due to spend time with the other parent or carer,
- Making false or unfounded allegations about the other parent or carer,
- Withholding or destroying gifts, letters or photographs from the other parent or carer,
- Purposefully withholding information about the child from the other parent or carer, and
- Displaying anger and emotional outbursts in the presence of the child.
This not only damages the relationship between the child and the parent or carer, but also has long term, and event in some cases permanent, psychological and emotional implications.
At Banner Jones, our Children Law Solicitors in Sheffield, Dronfield, Mansfield and Chesterfield can help to identify and evaluate the behaviours being displayed by a parent or carer, and advise on what steps can be taken.
As with anything, it is important to evidence the behaviours that are taking place and the effect that this is having on the child. We can guide you through this.
At Banner Jones, we deal with all forms of Family Law issues. For friendly, compassionate, legal advice, call in confidence. We're here to help.
Divorcing with children: Guidance and Support
A common and misused terms when dealing with difficult cases involving the arrangements for a child is ‘Parental Alienation’. Parental Alienation Syndrome is a term introduced in the USA to describe signs and symptoms believed to be shown by children who have been alienated from one parent through manipulation by the other parent especially in cases where the parents are separated.
However, the Courts are strongly opposed to parents or carers using this term because of the negative meaning it holds. Cafcass (The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) instead ‘uses the term alienating behaviours to describe circumstances where there is an ongoing pattern of negative attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of one parent (carer) that have the potential or expressed intent to undermine or obstruct the child’s relationship with the other parent. It is one of a number of reasons why a child may reject or resist spending time with one parent post separation.’
There is no criminal offence for alienating behaviours in England and Wales but that does not mean that the Courts are not attune to or experienced with such cases. During Children Act Proceedings where there are such behaviours and if Cafcass are appointed, Cafcass will consider the behaviours being alleged and assess their impact on the child.
At Banner Jones, we help with all forms of Family and Children Law. situations. For friendly, compassionate, legal advice, call in confidence. We're here to help.
For some examples of common issues and problems and how we can assist, please click on the link.
- Parental Responsibility - What rights and responsibilities do both parents/carers have?
- Child Arrangements Order (Formerly Residence & Contact Orders) - Where should the child live with and what time should they spend with each parent/carer? Should there be a shared care arrangement?
- Mediation - Non-court based option with trained neutral mediators
- Care Proceedings - Where there is Social Services are going to issue or have issued Court proceedings seeking removal or supervision of the child’s care
Why Banner Jones Solicitors for Family Law Cases?
1) We have a wealth of experience in all aspects of Family Law.
Whether you need help with divorce/dissolution proceedings, financial settlements, pre/post nuptial agreements, children issues or even domestic abuse, we can help. Your matter will be treated with the utmost sensitivity.
2) We’re here to support you!
The world of Family Law is complex, and every case is unique. Everyone has their unique set of circumstances, and there could be many options you need to consider. At Banner Jones, we aim to make the process as straightforward and as hassle-free as possible.
3) Communication is key
When dealing with any legal matter, it is vital that you receive the best service possible. Our Family Law team offers excellent customer service, with 97% of clients saying they’d recommend us to a friend.
4) We're one of the top legal firms in the UK.
For five years in a row, Banner Jones Solicitors has been ranked as a ‘Leading Firm’ within the “UK Legal 500". With offices in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire, we've helped many clients with their family law matters.
5) We offer fixed fee where possible.
There will be no hidden charges, everything is explained up front.
For more information, call Banner Jones on in confidence. We are here to help.
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