Banner Jones embraces the Association of Lifetime Lawyers

We are delighted to confirm that Nikki Spencer, Senior Solicitor, is an Accredited Lifetime Lawyer.
"Solicitors for the Elderly" (which was founded in 1996) has become the Association of Lifetime Lawyers and Nikki has been a fully accredited member of Solicitors for the Elderly and now the Association of Lifetime Lawyers for 16 years. Members of The Association of Lifetime Lawyers are on a mission to make sure that when people are vulnerable they have access to a legal professional with the skills and experience to help.
Accredited members are legal professionals who are experts in advising a whole spectrum of people on key legal decisions though their lifetime with a particular emphasis on supporting older people and those in vulnerable circumstances.
According to Lifetime Lawyers, accredited members are “the gold standard when it comes to supporting vulnerable and older people with legal advice. Lifetime Lawyers are experts in delivering the best outcomes for clients of all ages who are facing important life decisions, including those with complex needs and who may need extra support”.
In addition to expert legal knowledge, “members undertake a rigorous external accreditation proving their understanding of the key issues that can affect vulnerable and older people. This includes living with dementia, Parkinson’s and other degenerative diseases, as well as problems with hearing, sight, and mobility”
Lifetime Lawyers also receive specialist training when it comes to the care they provide. They offer extra empathy and attention, including understanding the signs of neglect and abuse and knowing how to spot them. Lifetime Lawyers consider when and where they speak to clients, ensuring they are able to provide people the tailored support they need that aligns with their individual circumstances.
Nikki commented “I am incredibly passionate about working with the elderly and their families. I pride myself on understanding the needs of elderly people which comes from working with older clients for over thirty years”.
Kathryn Wheeldon, Head of Wills & Probate said “Nikki is without doubt a safe pair of hands. Her awareness of the vulnerabilities that the elderly face allows her to give the very best advice and support. Dementia is something that Nikki comes across very often in her role and she is very experienced in helping elderly clients along their Dementia journey. Nikki will bend over backwards for her clients and their families to ensure that everything is in place to ensure that they get the support they need in later life”.
Nikki specialises in Care planning, Inheritance tax planning, Wills, Trusts, Court of Protection and Probate.
If you would like to speak to Nikki and the team about your personal legal requirements, please contact us today.