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Family Law

Reforming the Divorce Laws

Reforming the Divorce Laws

Couples wishing to divorce will soon benefit from a less confrontational process, under proposals announced by the Justice Secretary David Gauke.
What to do when a summer break becomes a summer break up?

What to do when a summer break becomes a summer break up?

When it comes to holidays, most people look to forward to spending time with their loved ones. We all need time to recharge and "get away from it all".
Are Pre-Nups Binding?

Are Pre-Nups Binding?

Just how binding are Pre-nuptial Agreements in the British Courts? Well a recent ruling of the High Court on a French ‘pre-nuptial agreement’ pretty much spells it out.

Consultation on Domestic Abuse

Consultation on Domestic Abuse

The government has launched a consultation on domestic abuse, seeking new laws and stronger powers to protect and support survivors.

How Social Media Can Fuel A Divorce

How Social Media Can Fuel A Divorce

Long gone are the days of hiring a private investigator to prove a cheating spouse. Nowadays evidence of a partner's infidelity might be found online.

Home secretary must establish marriage of convenience

In an interesting twist on an old movie script, a recent Supreme Court ruling found that for a removal order to be issued against an EU individual on the ground that she had abused her right of residence in the UK by attempting to enter into a marriage of convenience with a non-EU national, it was for the home secretary to establish that it would have been a marriage of convenience rather than for the individual to establish that the relationship was a genuine and lasting one.

Why children come first in a divorce

Why children come first in a divorce

During a break up, being fair and civilised to each other is often the best you can hope for, but when there are children involved emotions need to be set aside.

Practical Advice - Taking Children Abroad After Separation

Practical Advice - Taking Children Abroad After Separation

Planning ahead is important for most family holidays, but if you are looking to take your children abroad and you have separated or divorced, then the sooner you prepare this, the better.

Court reform gives stronger protection for victims and witnesses

Court reform gives stronger protection for victims and witnesses

Vulnerable victims and witnesses will no longer have to appear in court under new plans to roll out pre-trial evidence sessions.

Adoption of children in care to be an increased priority

Adoption of children in care to be an increased priority

A proposed new law will make “life-long stability” a priority for children in care and will mean that courts and councils always pursue adoption when it’s in a child’s interest.
Divorce and Children

Divorce and Children

We've developed a helpful guide that will highlight how some processes will work with regard to your children and your divorce, and what the law states.

Financial Issues in Divorce

Financial Issues in Divorce

We have developed a a guide on Financial Issues in Divorce providing you with insight in to financial agreements, financial support for children, considerations for agreeing on a financial settlement and various tips.

Divorce and Separation

Divorce and Separation

Family Law: Divorce - The Banner Jones Process.

Children & Separation Guide

Children & Separation Guide

Getting through a divorce or separation is hard at the best of times but is often even harder when there are children involved in the relationship. Use our helpful guide for tips on explaining the situation to the children.

Divorce Survival Tips

Divorce Survival Tips

We’ve enlisted the help of some local relationship counsellors in Sheffield to provide you with some survival advice to help get you through a divorce.

The True Cost of Divorce in Retirement

The True Cost of Divorce in Retirement

The financial effects of divorce last much longer than the initial cost of the break up.

Woman gains permission to see father’s adoption information

Woman gains permission to see father’s adoption information

In a recent ruling, the Courts gave a woman permission to look at the court files on her late father’s adoption so that she could identify her grandmother. Toby Netting of local law firm Banner Jones Solicitors said, “The Family division’s ruling is ground breaking and sets a precedent for future cases to reveal family secrets”.