Accidents at work - what you need to know
Workplace health and safety remains an ongoing concern for many industries, especially those deemed to be a little more physically dangerous. The safety of staff has always been a big issue with ever evolving legislation in place to make sure protection is in place.

Personal Injury - Making a Claim
A personal injury can occur at work, in a public place, on holiday, during a sporting activity or from a failure of medical services, and could have a dramatic effect upon you and anyone close to you. Take a look at our useful guide on how to make a claim.

Accidents at Work Advice
Our Personal Injury specialist Sarah Sadler discusses what employers must to do keep their staff safe, as well as what an employee can do if they suffer an accident while at work.

Serious Injury - Making a Claim
We know the impact that a serious injury can have on you and your loved ones. We can help you claim compensation for your injury and ensure you get the best possible care, rehabilitation, and the support that you need.