What is an LPA?
Kathryn Wheeldon explains what an LPA is, why they are useful and how to make one.

Concern as LPA numbers decline despite launch of online service
Professionals working with the elderly and vulnerable are raising concerns over future safeguarding following a dramatic fall in the number of lasting powers of attorneys registered during the coronavirus pandemic.

Could Lasting Power of Attorneys go digital?
A more straightforward digital system to set up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) could come into play, but experts say that it is vital that sufficient safeguards are in place to protect elderly and vulnerable people from abuse. In this article, we look at how the system might work, and the concerns for potential abuse of a digital process for setting up Lasting Power of Attorney.

Power of Attorney & protecting the rights of people with dementia
Dementia Action Week runs 17th - 23rd May 2021 and is a national event that sees the public coming together to take action to improve the lives of people affected by dementia.

Coronavirus vaccine consent and mental capacity
The Coronavirus vaccine is being rolled out quickly and among the first groups of people to receive it are the elderly living in care homes with Dementia. These people may be unable to make the decision for themselves to have the vaccine and give the consent required.

Why both types of LPAs are important
Recent months have been a real challenge for those families with relatives in care homes, particularly where the relative has dementia and time with them is very precious. For some, the restrictions on visiting have simply become unbearable.

Business LPAs- Protecting your most important asset
All businesses protect their buildings and assets with insurance in the event that the worst should happen, but very often, no consideration is given to what would happen to the business if a key decision maker was suddenly not around. Without anyone appointed to take over the running of the business, even if only temporarily through illness, important deadlines and decisions may be delayed or even missed, putting the future of the business at risk.

What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
You may have heard about an LPA but may not be sure what it does. Our latest blog answers some of your most frequently asked questions.

Get your Power of Attorney set up
You will have seen lots of articles recommending that you plan for death by writing a will, but what happens if you become unable to make decisions for yourself whilst you are alive; either through illness or accident? Who will make decisions on your behalf and how will your finances be run?

Online Life = Digital Legacy
We all increasingly live our lives online whether it be through various social media profiles to paperless billing for your gas and electricity account. When you’re in control, there’s no denying it makes life simple and even if you lose or forget your password, a link will be sent to your email account and within seconds you’re back in control.

Power of Attorney – The case for and against
Setting up a trusted family member or friend with a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) ensures that someone else is able to make important decisions for you when you’re no longer in a position to be able to make them for yourself. But this in itself is always going to be a key decision in your life, so it’s important to consider the benefits and risks before going ahead with giving another person the authority LPA unlocks.

New Deputy Report Forms to Improve Safeguards for At-risk Adults
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has introduced new and improved forms to be used by deputies.

Lasting Power of Attorney – The Facts
We all know that we should write a Will, but too few of us know about and recognise the need for something called a Lasting Power of Attorney or LPA.