How do Child Protection Conferences Work?
Child Protection Conferences involve multiple professionals from various agencies, such as social services, health services, education, police, and sometimes representatives from voluntary organizations. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the child's situation and facilitates collaborative decision-making.

What Happens When a Parent Breaches a Court Order?
When a Court issues an Order, it is legally binding and must be followed by all parties involved. Unfortunately, there are instances where one party may disregard or breach a Court Order, causing frustration and potential harm to the child and the other party. This article aims to shed light on the consequences and legal recourse available when a party breaches a Court Order in the context of family law.

Advice on Parental Alienation
Shetal Gudgeoun talks about the signs and symptoms of parental alienation and what you can do.

How to Tell Your Children That You Are Separating
Going through a divorce or separation is hard at the best of times but is often even harder when there are children involved in the relationship.

Tips for surviving the festive season when separated/divorced
It is very common for couples to try to “keep-it-together” through the festive season for the sake of the children, but if you’re already separated then a bit of careful planning and communication will help. In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of useful tips for surviving this festive season.

Do grandparents have a right to contact with their grandchildren?
When a couple makes the decision to divorce, the breakdown of the relationship can have far-reaching consequences. Unfortunately, grandparents of any children of the relationship can suffer and even be prevented from seeing their grandchildren as often as they would like. However, there are certain actions grandparents can take to secure their relationship with their beloved grandchildren and in this article, we look at some of the solutions to a very sensitive legal problem.

Child maintenance: What happens if a parent doesn’t pay?
Under a child maintenance arrangement, child maintenance is usually paid by the parent who does not have day-to-day care of the child or does not usually live with the child. If this payment is not forthcoming, the receiving parent could launch a civil legal claim.

Child vaccinations and what happens when the parents disagree
All child vaccinations in the UK are voluntary and therefore parental consent must be given prior to the vaccination.

Court reform gives stronger protection for victims and witnesses
Vulnerable victims and witnesses will no longer have to appear in court under new plans to roll out pre-trial evidence sessions.

Adoption of children in care to be an increased priority

Children & Separation Guide
Getting through a divorce or separation is hard at the best of times but is often even harder when there are children involved in the relationship. Use our helpful guide for tips on explaining the situation to the children.

Woman gains permission to see father’s adoption information
In a recent ruling, the Courts gave a woman permission to look at the court files on her late father’s adoption so that she could identify her grandmother. Toby Netting of local law firm Banner Jones Solicitors said, “The Family division’s ruling is ground breaking and sets a precedent for future cases to reveal family secrets”.