Injured on a package holiday, can I make a personal injury claim?
If you, or a family member, suffer an injury or illness on holiday that was not your fault, you may be able to make a personal injury claim in the UK against the package holiday operator.

Online Divorce - Advice, Pros and Cons
Take a look at our advice and the pros and cons of Online Divorce. We are here for you every step of the way and can help finalise financial and childcare arrangements.

Can a UK employee work remotely in another country?
With the rise of remote work opportunities and the desire for more flexible lifestyles, many UK employees are considering the possibility of working remotely from another country, particularly during the summer months. In this article, we will explore whether a UK employee can work remotely in another country, examine relevant UK laws, and discuss important precautions to consider.

Buying a property at auction - is it right for you?
While buying property at auction can be a thrilling and potentially rewarding experience it is important to be aware of the legal implications, rules and regulations, and possible risks involved in such a purchase.

Redundancy Guide - What You need to know and do
This guide will give some useful legal advice to help you know your rights when facing redundancy, and also some helpful action points to help you find another source of income.

Mediation Advice
Mediation is a process which helps people sort out issues that arise as a breakdown of their relationship. This guide helps to explain the process.

What is an LPA?
Kathryn Wheeldon explains what an LPA is, why they are useful and how to make one.

Accidents at Work Advice
Our Personal Injury specialist Sarah Sadler discusses what employers must to do keep their staff safe, as well as what an employee can do if they suffer an accident while at work.

Cohabitation Agreements Explained
Shetal Gudgeon, our Senior Family Law Solicitor, helps you to understand cohabitation rights and explains the key points to be aware of.

Advice on Parental Alienation
Shetal Gudgeoun talks about the signs and symptoms of parental alienation and what you can do.

Types Of Wills Explained
Kathryn Wheeldon discuses the different types of Wills that are available, and how to decide which one to choose.

Financial Settlements Explained
Kelly Parks, explains how a financial settlement works and what you can do to ensure that you get your fair share.

How to Tell Your Children That You Are Separating
Going through a divorce or separation is hard at the best of times but is often even harder when there are children involved in the relationship.

Trust Registration Service
If you are a Trustee, you need to be aware that new rules came into force in October 2020 extending the requirement to register Trusts with the Trust Registration Service (TRS).

Tips for surviving the festive season when separated/divorced
It is very common for couples to try to “keep-it-together” through the festive season for the sake of the children, but if you’re already separated then a bit of careful planning and communication will help. In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of useful tips for surviving this festive season.

Understanding Cohabitation
Cohabitation is the name given to unmarried couples living together. Whether you have previously been married, or are living with your first ‘partner’, you are called cohabitees. But what does this actually mean in practice, and what are your legal rights if anything were to happen to the relationship, or to either of you?

Dogs & Divorce: Is it a bone of contention?
What do these ex-couples have in common – Cheryl & Ashley Cole, Liam Gallagher & Nicole Appleton, Ant McPartlin & Lisa Armstrong? Well, they have all argued over who should get the dog during their divorce.

Online Life = Digital Legacy
We all increasingly live our lives online whether it be through various social media profiles to paperless billing for your gas and electricity account. When you’re in control, there’s no denying it makes life simple and even if you lose or forget your password, a link will be sent to your email account and within seconds you’re back in control.

Are Pre-Nups Binding?
Just how binding are Pre-nuptial Agreements in the British Courts? Well a recent ruling of the High Court on a French ‘pre-nuptial agreement’ pretty much spells it out.
Home secretary must establish marriage of convenience
In an interesting twist on an old movie script, a recent Supreme Court ruling found that for a removal order to be issued against an EU individual on the ground that she had abused her right of residence in the UK by attempting to enter into a marriage of convenience with a non-EU national, it was for the home secretary to establish that it would have been a marriage of convenience rather than for the individual to establish that the relationship was a genuine and lasting one.

Why children come first in a divorce
During a break up, being fair and civilised to each other is often the best you can hope for, but when there are children involved emotions need to be set aside.

Practical Advice - Taking Children Abroad After Separation
Planning ahead is important for most family holidays, but if you are looking to take your children abroad and you have separated or divorced, then the sooner you prepare this, the better.

4 Things to do Before The End of The Tax Year

Serious Injury - Making a Claim
We know the impact that a serious injury can have on you and your loved ones. We can help you claim compensation for your injury and ensure you get the best possible care, rehabilitation, and the support that you need.