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What happens to debt after someone dies?

What happens to debt after someone dies?

When someone you love has passed away, the last thing you might be thinking about is debt. However, there are many misconceptions about debt and inheritance, and it is essential to understand your position.

An employer's guide to flexible working

An employer's guide to flexible working

Flexible working has been at the forefront of many businesses since the pandemic began, and for many it is now time to formalise a flexible working policy. This guide tells you how to handle flexible working requests but we can also assist with a policy if required.

A year of change for residential landlords

A year of change for residential landlords

Residential landlords are under pressure to keep on top of a raft of new legislation and guidelines this year, including many protections for tenants extended by the government during the pandemic. 

Power of Attorney & protecting the rights of people with dementia

Power of Attorney & protecting the rights of people with dementia

Dementia Action Week runs 17th - 23rd May 2021 and is a national event that sees the public coming together to take action to improve the lives of people affected by dementia.

 Breastfeeding when returning to work: What’s the law?

Breastfeeding when returning to work: What’s the law?


For many women, returning to work after maternity leave can feel like a daunting prospect and one of the biggest sticking points is in relation to those who continue to breastfeed or express milk once their maternity leave has ended.

Here, Banner Jones’ Head of Employment law, Katie Ash, looks at the state of current legislation here in the UK. 

What can a landlord do if a commercial tenant is still unable to pay rent?

What can a landlord do if a commercial tenant is still unable to pay rent?

Even now the restrictions are easing and many more businesses are opening their doors, some commercial tenants may still be struggling to pay rent in full and on a regular basis. Both parties to a commercial lease contract should understand how their liabilities and obligations have been affected by COVID-19 and ideally work together towards a solution before the eviction protection comes to an end in June.

Returning to work after maternity

Returning to work after maternity

Handling an employee’s return to work after maternity leave can feel like a bit of a minefield to most employers. Added to this is the risk of expensive pregnancy and maternity related discrimination claims as well as possible sex discrimination and constructive dismissal claims if they get things wrong.

Thinking of turning your home into an Airbnb?

Thinking of turning your home into an Airbnb?

The restrictions on overseas travel has seen a race for UK holiday accommodation.  Where property owners look to make money from ‘staycations’ by offering their homes on sharing platforms such as Airbnb, the ease of letting does not take away the responsibility to understand and keep up with relevant rules and regulations.   

Out of hours communication – do you know the law?

Out of hours communication – do you know the law?

For many business owners and decision makers, the lockdown restrictions introduced as a result of the Covid-19 crisis have provided them with an unprecedented opportunity to review their operations.

Supreme Court rules sleep-in shift workers not eligible for National Minimum Wage

Supreme Court rules sleep-in shift workers not eligible for National Minimum Wage

To the dismay of employees, but a decision arguably welcomed by employers, the Supreme Court has recently ruled in cases Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake and Shannon v Rampersad and another (T/A Clifton House Residential Home) that sleep-in shift workers are not ‘working’ when they are asleep. This in turn means that care workers should only be paid the National Minimum Wage hourly rate on sleep-in shifts when they are awake for the purposes of actively working.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting: Your Questions Answered

Gender Pay Gap Reporting: Your Questions Answered

Over time, the gap between women’s and men’s median hourly earnings has been narrowing. In fact, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) it has fallen by over a quarter among full-time employees in the last decade.


Judge rules to uphold deathbed Will

Judge rules to uphold deathbed Will

The England & Wales High Court has upheld a Will executed on his deathbed by a man who left everything to his long-term partner. Lee Foster, Director and Will Dispute specialist said, “The law provides individuals with wide discretion on how their estate should be distributed on their death; although there are specific circumstances under which this discretion can be challenged”.

The Uber Ruling and the future for the Gig Economy.

The Uber Ruling and the future for the Gig Economy.

On the 20th February 2021, the Supreme Court handed down its Judgment in the long awaited Uber case (Uber BV and Others v Aslam and Others). All six Judges unanimously ruled that the Uber drivers were workers, not self-employed contractors and as a result were entitled to basic employment rights like National Minimum Wage, holiday pay and sick pay.

Redundancy in the hospitality sector: what do employers need to consider?

Redundancy in the hospitality sector: what do employers need to consider?

With the country now in its third lockdown, it is clear that the hospitality sector has been hit the hardest and with no sign of hotels, pubs and restaurants reopening soon, employers in this sector will be almost certainly be facing some tough decisions about their staff in the coming weeks and months.