Referral: The conference is usually initiated following a referral to social services or child protection agencies. Referrals can come from various sources, including schools, healthcare professionals, police, or concerned members of the community.
Initial Assessment: Upon receiving a referral, social workers conduct an initial assessment to gather information about the child and the family's circumstances. This assessment helps determine whether there are reasonable grounds for concern and whether a Child Protection Conference is necessary.
Multi-Agency Involvement: Child Protection Conferences involve multiple professionals from various agencies, such as social services, health services, education, police, and sometimes representatives from voluntary organizations. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the child's situation and facilitates collaborative decision-making.
Purpose of the Conference: The main purpose of the conference is to conduct a thorough assessment of the child's welfare and determine whether the child is at risk of significant harm. It also aims to develop a Child Protection Plan if necessary, outlining actions to safeguard the child's well-being.
Attendance: The child's parents or caregivers are usually invited to attend the conference, along with other relevant family members. However, in cases where their presence may jeopardize the child's safety or hinder open discussion, they may not be invited.
Chairperson: A designated professional, often a social worker or a representative from children's services, chairs the conference. Their role is to facilitate discussions, ensure all relevant information is considered, and guide decision-making.
Decision-making: Following discussions and assessments, the conference participants make decisions regarding the child's future welfare. This may involve agreeing on a Child Protection Plan, which outlines specific actions to be taken by various agencies to address the identified concerns and safeguard the child.
Review and Follow-up: Child Protection Conferences are typically followed by regular reviews to monitor the implementation of the Child Protection Plan and assess the child's progress. If necessary, further conferences may be convened to make adjustments to the plan based on changing circumstances.