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Road Safety Tips - Pedestrians & Horses

Road Safety Tips - Pedestrians & Horses

We can’t stop accidents from happening, but we can all take steps to make the roads a little safer. The followings tips provide some useful safety advice for road users.

Medical Negligence

Medical Negligence

If you want to find out more about your options after a medical negligence, take a look at our infographic.

Defective Products Compensation Claims

Defective Products Compensation Claims

If you're considering making a claim, you can take a look at our infographic that walks you through our process.

Accident Claim Centre

Accident Claim Centre

To find out more about our Accident Claim Centre, take a look at the infographic.

Work Related Illness

Work Related Illness

Take a look at our infographic that explains your options, should you have acquired a work related illness.

Accidents at Work Guide

Accidents at Work Guide

Take a look at our infographic that walks you through your options if you've had an accident at work.

Accidents At Work

Accidents At Work

Check out our infographic that contains the most up to date statistics for accidents and injuries in the workplace in the UK.

Slips and Trips

Slips and Trips

If you've fallen and you're considering making a claim for compensation, check out our infographic below that details your options and our approach to your claim.

Road Traffic Accidents

Road Traffic Accidents

For more information about the types of road traffic accidents we cover and what you can do to get the ball rolling on your claim, check out our infographic.

Defending Claims

Defending Claims

Take a look at our infographic below that walks you through our process and your options.

New Deputy Report Forms to Improve Safeguards for At-risk Adults

New Deputy Report Forms to Improve Safeguards for At-risk Adults

The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has introduced new and improved forms to be used by deputies.

Buying and Selling Houses

Buying and Selling Houses

Download our free guide covering everything you need to know about the process of buying or selling a residential property.

Online Courts Proposed

Online Courts Proposed

Proposals have been put forward for online paperless courts that would enable people to settle civil disputes of up to £25,000.

Without Prejudice

Without Prejudice

Do you know what the legal phrase “without prejudice” means?

Online Privacy in the Office

Online Privacy in the Office

Companies are within their rights to monitor the private online activities of their employees when they are in the office.