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Unfair Dismissal Guide

Unfair Dismissal Guide

A guide for employees with essential information on employment rights, capability, conduct, gross misconduct, redundancy, illegality and automatic unfair dismissals.

Maternity and Paternity Leave

Maternity and Paternity Leave

Read our leaflet summarising the changes to Paternity rights

Discrimination Fact Sheet

Discrimination Fact Sheet

See our Discrimination Fact Sheet for essential information on illegal discrimination, exceptions, types of discrimination and how employers should deal with discrimination.

Redundancy Procedure Guide

Redundancy Procedure Guide

We have put together a redundancy procedure guide for employers to outline the full process, selecting people for redundancy, common mistakes and vital information you should consider to be able to make informed decisions.

Employer Assist

Employer Assist

Download Banner Jones Employer Assist PDF

Visiting A Notary

Visiting A Notary

Please read this guide before coming to see one of our Notary Publics.

Trustees’ Responsibilities

Trustees’ Responsibilities

Our free guide to these duties.

10 Reasons Why You Need a Will

10 Reasons Why You Need a Will

Why not download our Will guide for more information?

Planning for your Future

Planning for your Future

Download our free 'Planning for your Future' Guide

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (often referred to as an “LPA”) is a legal document which appoints one or more people as your attorneys who can make decisions on your behalf. Once the LPA has been registered it can last for the rest of your life, even if you lose mental capacity.

Spinal Injury Case Studies

Spinal Injury Case Studies

Our case studies below detail specific spinal injury cases dealt with by our experienced serious injury department. Take a look for more information about how we can deal with your case.

Loss of Life Case Study

Loss of Life Case Study

Our case study below details a specific case of loss of life compensation that our specialist serious injury solicitors have dealt with.

Brain Injury Case Studies

Brain Injury Case Studies

Our case studies below details specific cases in brain injury dealt with by our serious injury department. Read more to find out about how you're case can be dealt with by our solicitors.

Serious Injury - Making a Claim

Serious Injury - Making a Claim

We know the impact that a serious injury can have on you and your loved ones. We can help you claim compensation for your injury and ensure you get the best possible care, rehabilitation, and the support that you need.

Road Safety Tips - Cars and Bikes

Road Safety Tips - Cars and Bikes

We can’t stop accidents from happening, but we can all take steps to make the roads a little safer. The followings tips provide some useful safety advice for road users.