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How new Lifetime ISAs could help first-time buyers

How new Lifetime ISAs could help first-time buyers

If you’re looking to buy your first home it’s likely that you’ll already be aware of the Help to Buy ISA. But with the phasing out of the Help to Buy ISA on 30 November 2019, should you consider moving to a Lifetime ISA?

Uber drivers entitled to workplace protections

Uber drivers entitled to workplace protections

The ‘gig’ economy is characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work, as opposed to permanent jobs. Depending upon your viewpoint, it is either a positive working environment that offers a great deal of flexibility (for example, employment hours in the control of the individual) or it is a form of worker exploitation with very little protection (for example, lack of paid holidays, sickness benefit and so on).

New service for identifying charitable bequests

New service for identifying charitable bequests

A new system alerting charities to when they have been left money in wills is to be established by HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) following a decision to end its current arrangement.

Three new bills passed at the end of 2018

Three new bills passed at the end of 2018

Whilst it may seem like all of the government’s attention is currently on Brexit, it is worth noting that the whole business of government has not ground to a halt. Indeed, three new justice department bills came into force at the end of 2018 with the result that.

To employ or not to employ?

To employ or not to employ?

For a new business the first year is all about survival, but what happens when your business is doing more than just surviving and is starting to flourish? As a business grows it is inevitable that the amount of time that needs to be invested to secure its future is too much for one person, particularly if that person is a working parent wanting to maintain a sensible work-life balance.
Tips for becoming a landlord

Tips for becoming a landlord

While interest rates remain low and house prices continue growing, buy to let is still a popular investment option with rental yields delivering good returns, however, there are some key things to consider before becoming a landlord.
Understanding Cohabitation

Understanding Cohabitation

Cohabitation is the name given to unmarried couples living together. Whether you have previously been married, or are living with your first ‘partner’, you are called cohabitees. But what does this actually mean in practice, and what are your legal rights if anything were to happen to the relationship, or to either of you?

Dogs & Divorce: Is it a bone of contention?

Dogs & Divorce: Is it a bone of contention?

What do these ex-couples have in common – Cheryl & Ashley Cole, Liam Gallagher & Nicole Appleton, Ant McPartlin & Lisa Armstrong? Well, they have all argued over who should get the dog during their divorce.

Right to refuse a business tenancy cannot be misused

Right to refuse a business tenancy cannot be misused

An interesting case is currently making its way through the court system and may have far reaching implications for the landlord/tenant relationship in relation to tenancy renewals; making it more difficult for a landlord to refuse the renewal of a tenancy.

Employing Older Workers

Employing Older Workers

With an ageing population leading to a need for many people to work longer, coupled with the abolition of the compulsory retirement age, the average age of people leaving the workplace has increased steadily over the last two decades. In fact, the over 50s now make up over a third of the working population.

Reforming the Divorce Laws

Reforming the Divorce Laws

Couples wishing to divorce will soon benefit from a less confrontational process, under proposals announced by the Justice Secretary David Gauke.
4 key ways to prevent your grown-up children derailing your retirement savings

4 key ways to prevent your grown-up children derailing your retirement savings

The Bank of Mum and Dad is a well-known concept and we all hate to see our children struggle financially, which is why many parents continue to support their children well into adulthood. Instead of being ‘empty nesters’, many parents discover that their offspring return to the family home straight after university (that is if they ever left in the first place!) due to the problems of getting a foot on the property ladder.

Get your Power of Attorney set up

Get your Power of Attorney set up

You will have seen lots of articles recommending that you plan for death by writing a will, but what happens if you become unable to make decisions for yourself whilst you are alive; either through illness or accident? Who will make decisions on your behalf and how will your finances be run?

Don’t forget your digital legacy

When we think about what we leave behind when we die, the majority of us take an approach that gives little regard to the vast amount of digital assets we hold.

What to do when a summer break becomes a summer break up?

What to do when a summer break becomes a summer break up?

When it comes to holidays, most people look to forward to spending time with their loved ones. We all need time to recharge and "get away from it all".