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Court departs from the ‘sharing principle’ in a divorce settlement

Court departs from the ‘sharing principle’ in a divorce settlement

In a ruling in the June of 2017, the courts followed an increasing trend for financial settlements of divorcing couples to reflect more accurately the contributions that each partner made to the marriage.

Why children come first in a divorce

Why children come first in a divorce

During a break up, being fair and civilised to each other is often the best you can hope for, but when there are children involved emotions need to be set aside.

5 steps to a simple house move

5 steps to a simple house move

Is it ever possible to get the keys to a new home without gaining a few grey hairs? Read on to find out how to make it as simple as possible.
Practical Advice - Taking Children Abroad After Separation

Practical Advice - Taking Children Abroad After Separation

Planning ahead is important for most family holidays, but if you are looking to take your children abroad and you have separated or divorced, then the sooner you prepare this, the better.

The impact of Brexit on the UK’s Employment Law

The impact of Brexit on the UK’s Employment Law

As the Nation waits with baited breath to discover what the Government’s strategy for leaving the EU will be, when it will happen and whether it will be a ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ Brexit, many employers are, unsurprisingly, concerned about what the future of employment law will look like. How quickly will it change, what will their obligations be, and what steps will they need to take to ensure compliance?

Giving Away Your Home

Giving Away Your Home

If you are thinking of giving away your home or other assets you must read this. Download our free guide today.

Is Downsizing Right For you?

Is Downsizing Right For you?

There are several reasons why downsizing your home may become a serious consideration for you in the future.

Is uncertainty becoming the new norm? (archived)

Is uncertainty becoming the new norm? (archived)

No matter how often we might have heard soundbites such as ‘strong and stable’ and ‘Brexit means Brexit’ which are intended to reassure us, it seems that every major political event of the past twelve months has delivered an unexpected result and an uncertain future. June’s general election was no different: Theresa May began streets ahead in the polls, and ended up scoring a political own goal in reducing the parliamentary majority she intended to increase, resulting in a hung parliament. You might expect the business world’s reaction to reflect the apparent turmoil in Westminster, but it’s relatively muted response perhaps suggests that those in business now see uncertainty as something to simply accept as part of daily life.

Why retirement is worrying millennials and what steps they are taking

Why retirement is worrying millennials and what steps they are taking

A recent study by HSBC has revealed the main financial worries of the ‘millennial’ generation, recognised as those born between 1980 and 1997. As its title suggests, the ‘Future of Retirement’ survey focuses primarily on how millennials feel about how they are preparing for life after work, but also delves into the wider issues around money and modern life which are inherently linked to the subject.
Proposed increase on probate fees scrapped

Proposed increase on probate fees scrapped

Following the announcement of the snap general election to take place on 8th June, the government has decided to scrap its plans to increase the legal fees due after a person has died. Having proposed a rise in probate fees in England and Wales to come into effect in May, which would have seen an increase from the current flat figures of £155 or £215 to as much as £20,000 for the most valuable estates, the Ministry of Justice announced in the second half of April that there was too little time for the legislation to go through parliament before the election.

The steps cohabiting couples should take when drawing up a will

The steps cohabiting couples should take when drawing up a will

There’s no denying the huge steps forward seen in creating equality for same-sex couples in the UK during the 21st Century, first with the Civil Partnership Act 2004 and then the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013. However, as heterosexual couples have marriage as the only option open to them to make their relationship formal, there have been suggestions of a new inequality having now been created. A legal challenge by mixed-sex couple Rebecca Steinfield and Charles Keidan to be able to enter into a civil partnership instead of a marriage was unsuccessful earlier this year, meaning it’s unlikely the situation will change for heterosexual couples in the near future.

Bill to the Bank of Mum and Dad could reach £6.5bn

Bill to the Bank of Mum and Dad could reach £6.5bn

A recent report has suggested that the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ will be lending their children over £6.5 billion this year in order to help them onto the property ladder. The projected figure is around £1.5 billion higher than the £5 billion loaned by parents to their offspring in 2016, demonstrating an increase of 30% and meaning that more than one in four property transactions in the UK in 2017 will involve parents.
How will your spending habits change in retirement?

How will your spending habits change in retirement?

It will come as a surprise to nobody that retirement is one of the biggest lifestyle changes you’ll ever experience. But as your priorities shift and the free time available to you increases, what you might not be as aware of is the way in which your spending habits are likely to alter too.

Is buy-to-let no longer such a good deal?

Is buy-to-let no longer such a good deal?

It wasn’t all that long ago that investment in buy-to-let property was seen as a straightforward way to generate an income for yourself. However, recent changes made by the government mean that turning a profit through buy-to-let in today’s property market is set to become much more difficult. Each case is individual, and the profitability of a property isn’t as simple as looking at the price of the property and the amount of rent it generates each month, but for many, buy-to-let will soon no longer be the attractive investment opportunity it once was. So what has changed?

Employees negligence can amount to gross misconduct

Employees negligence can amount to gross misconduct

The Court of Appeal recently ruled that a senior manager’s negligence in failing to ensure that a colleague followed company policy could amount to gross misconduct justifying the manager’s summary dismissal.