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Disputes Over Land: Love Thy Neighbour

Disputes Over Land: Love Thy Neighbour

Disputes over ownership of strips of land between two properties are all too common, and usually arise from a mis-drawn boundary map. However, a recent case in the Appeal Court resulted in the apparently farcical decision that two neighbours each possessed a valid registered title to the same strip of land 4 metres long by 2 metres wide. But, Rob Stubbs, Head of Dispute Resolution says “Although this sounds crazy, the decision actually enabled the position to be tidied up rather neatly.”

Buying and Selling Houses in London

Buying and Selling Houses in London

We have put together a guide on Buying & Selling houses to provide you with some fundamental insight as well as outlining the overall process of each.

Top Tips for Moving Home in London

Top Tips for Moving Home in London

Check out our top tips below to ensure a smooth and easy moving day.

4 Things to do Before The End of The Tax Year

4 Things to do Before The End of The Tax Year

The beginning of a new calendar year should serve as a timely reminder that we’re only three months away from the end of the current tax year. It might feel at the moment as though there’s plenty of time until the beginning of April, but ensuring you make use of the remaining months before they disappear is always a good idea. Here are our top four tips for ways to make the most of this tax year whilst you can.
What to Do When Someone Dies

What to Do When Someone Dies

We know from experience that when you lose a loved one it is often difficult to know what to do first. This simple guide will help you prioritise between what needs to be done urgently and what can be dealt with later.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting- Is Your Business Ready?

Gender Pay Gap Reporting- Is Your Business Ready?

In April 2017 employers with over 250 staff became obliged to report on gender pay gaps. Here are some tips that your business may wish to consider.

Ignorance as a Defence in Law

Ignorance as a Defence in Law

There are in fact circumstances where ignorance is a perfectly valid defence.

Who Owns Their Web Name?

Who Owns Their Web Name?

You might think that you would have the right to stop your name being used in a web address without your consent. But you’d be wrong.

Wills and Planning for the Inevitable

Wills and Planning for the Inevitable

Research just published underlines how ill-prepared most people are in terms of their end of life planning.

The Jones Family: Family Wills Bundle

The Jones Family: Family Wills Bundle

Wills for everyone in the family can be expensive. Read about our exclusive Family Wills Bundle offer, easily explained by the Jones family, here!

Are you risking being classed as a contractor?

Are you risking being classed as a contractor?

If you’re a business owner outside the construction industry, then it’s quite likely that your knowledge of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is limited, and understandably so.
Despite news headlines, many are still struggling to save for the future

Despite news headlines, many are still struggling to save for the future

A recent report has found that a significant number of people aged 35 to 44 are still struggling to save anything for the longer term, and are only just affording to pay for their present circumstances.
The ‘cost of dying’ is now racing ahead of the rate of inflation

The ‘cost of dying’ is now racing ahead of the rate of inflation

Recent research has revealed that the cost of dying is now the fastest rising fixed cost in the UK, ahead of costs of living including rent, utilities and food.

Director not liable to employee

Director not liable to employee

What happens when the company being sued by an employee for damages for injuries sustained at work goes into liquidation?

Pressure on litigation costs from “Proportionality”

Pressure on litigation costs from “Proportionality”

New rules on the losing side paying the costs of the winning side in litigation can leave “winners” significantly out of pocket.