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The responsibilities of a landlord- a quick guide

The responsibilities of a landlord- a quick guide

It is important as a landlord to know your rights and responsibilities. Generally, when managing residential property, your role involves maintenance and ensuring any repair work is completed, as the property cannot have any hazards or breach any health and safety laws. Along with this, there are deposit protections you must also follow.

Living together after separation

Living together after separation

Navigating divorce is difficult even in steady economic circumstances however, with financial climates changing, this can lead to unconventional methods such as remaining to live together once divorced.


Personal Injury - Making a Claim

Personal Injury - Making a Claim

A personal injury can occur at work, in a public place, on holiday, during a sporting activity or from a failure of medical services, and could have a dramatic effect upon you and anyone close to you. Take a look at our useful guide on how to make a claim.

Christmas expected to hit couples harder this year

Christmas expected to hit couples harder this year

Tough economic conditions and spiralling costs are expected to add to the pressure on couples facing the Christmas period.

Twitter redundancies – why cutting costs could prove more costly

Twitter redundancies – why cutting costs could prove more costly

Unless you actively avoid the news, you’re probably familiar by now with the headline-grabbing controversy caused by entrepreneur and Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk, after he announced that half of the company’s workforce were to be ‘laid off’ as part of cost cutting measures.

Hiring Christmas temps - What are the rules?

Hiring Christmas temps - What are the rules?

Christmas is often the busiest time of the year for many businesses, so the extra support from temporary staff, ‘Christmas temps,’ around this time, is often appreciated. As an employer, however, it is important you know the rules inside out to keep you on the right side of employment law.

Work Christmas parties and the law

Work Christmas parties and the law

Work Christmas parties are a staple on the corporate calendar, but it is always important to remember that even though it is a Christmas party, it is also a work event. As an employer, it is your job to ensure the rules are followed. Not only will this protect your employees from damaging their reputation, but it can save you the misfortune of having your business's reputation damaged or having to discipline an employee.

Property Chains Explained

Property Chains Explained

A quick explanation of property chains, including advice on how to keep yours moving and steps you can take if your chain collapses.

Employment Law Training Packages

Employment Law Training Packages

Our training courses are suitable for HR practitioners and any employees in a managerial role from team leaders and line managers to directors.

Mediation Advice

Mediation Advice

Mediation is a process which helps people sort out issues that arise as a breakdown of their relationship. This guide helps to explain the process.

What is an LPA?

What is an LPA?

Kathryn Wheeldon explains what an LPA is, why they are useful and how to make one.

Accidents at Work Advice

Accidents at Work Advice

Our Personal Injury specialist Sarah Sadler discusses what employers must to do keep their staff safe, as well as what an employee can do if they suffer an accident while at work.

Settlement Agreement Advice

Settlement Agreement Advice

Katie Ash explains and answers some questions about settlement agreements.

Workplace Grievances Advice

Workplace Grievances Advice

Advice on workplace grievance processes and the potential outcomes.