Selling a Business - A Complete Guide
There are many factors to consider when selling a business and it isn’t something that should be entered into lightly. Our free guide runs through some of the important considerations this involves.

Relationship breakdown – can mediation help?
As of 29 April 2024, it is now mandatory for the majority of separating or divorcing couples to first attempt non-court dispute resolution methods (like mediation) to address child arrangements and financial matters.

Employment Law - Changes employers need to be aware of
As we enter 2024, we’ve been reflecting on some of the significant changes in employment law we have seen over the course of 2023 which employers need to be aware of. These include amendments to the flexible working regime, further deliberations about employment status by the Supreme Court and considerable changes to the calculation of holiday pay. 2024 looks set to be a big year for change in employment law, so here we have done a roundup of key developments in 2023 and have highlighted the ‘ones to watch’ in 2024.

The Importance of Prenuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements for Business Owners
Here, our Head of Family Law, Kelly Parks explains why business owners should consider a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement.
The intertwining of relationships and financial assets can be a complex and delicate balance. As individuals embark on the journey of building a life together, it is crucial to consider the potential impact on the business if the relationship were to end.

Estate Planning for Business Owners – what should you consider?
Estate planning for business owners is a critical process that includes planning for the transfer of your assets and the management of your business in the event of your retirement, death or incapacity. Here are some essential steps and considerations for business owners when it comes to estate planning.

Commercial Property - A Complete Guide
This guide will help you understand what to look for in finding and buying the ideal commercial premises for your needs.

Redundancy Consultation Processes – Advice for Employers
Consultation is a key part of any fair redundancy process. It is therefore vital that employers considering redundancies plan how they will consult their employees about any proposed redundancies at an early stage.

Changes to Flexible Working regulations
New regulations extending flexible working rights were put before Parliament on 11th December 2023. From the 6th April 2024, these new regulations came into force and all employees will no longer need to have 26 weeks’ continuous employment in order to make a flexible working request.

Online Divorce - Advice, Pros and Cons
Take a look at our advice and the pros and cons of Online Divorce. We are here for you every step of the way and can help finalise financial and childcare arrangements.

Estate agents could face severe penalties over failure to disclose material information under newly published requirements
National Trading Standards Estate and Letting Agency Team (NTSELAT) published comprehensive new guidance covering the process to improve material information disclosure in property sales on the 30th November 2023.

Business Legal Services Team
Our Business Legal Services team pride themselves on being able to offer high quality ‘city style’ advice in a user friendly, cost effective manner to local, national and international businesses.

Holiday Pay Claims – Supreme Court’s Landmark Ruling
The UK Supreme Court has ruled that employees can claim for a series of underpayments of holiday pay, even where there has been a gap of more than three months between different underpayment periods. This could lead to many UK workers being entitled to thousands of pounds in miscalculated holiday pay.

Business First Magazine - Autumn/Winter 2023
Our quarterly business magazine is packed full of features including creating a supportive workplace, sustainable buildings, legally compliant HR and EDI essentials.

Menopause for thought – what do employers need to know?
Women make up a significant portion of the workforce, so it is hardly surprising that gender equality in the workplace has become an important topic in recent decades.

Workers to be given the statutory right to request more predictable working patterns
The Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Bill received Royal Assent on 18 September 2023, becoming the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023. This new legislation will give workers the right to request more predictable working patterns relating to the number of hours, times and days of the week that they work.