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Why do you need to change your Will when you divorce?

Why do you need to change your Will when you divorce?

Writing Wills during a marriage that leaves everything to each other upon death is very common, but what happens to that Will should you decide to end the marriage and get divorced?

Paternity leave – what is it and why does it matter?

Paternity leave – what is it and why does it matter?

Here Katie Ash, Head of Employment Law, explains what Paternity Leave is, what fathers are entitled to and why businesses need to place as much importance on supporting men in the workplace, as they do women.

How will the teacher strikes affect you?

How will the teacher strikes affect you?

The news this week that teachers from the National Education Union had voted for more strike action in England and Wales will have left lots of working parents – and their employers – wondering how they are going to manage if the employee’s child’s school is closed.

Can a flexible working request be reversed?

Can a flexible working request be reversed?

For many, the Covid-19 crisis is starting to feel like a distant memory. However, there are still changes to the way we live and work today that were influenced by the restrictions that were put in place. The biggest example in employment law is the shift to working from home.

Public Sector Pension Changes – what the delays mean for divorcing key workers

Public Sector Pension Changes – what the delays mean for divorcing key workers

When a couple divorces both parties must provide details of any pensions they own. The temporary suspension of providing pension pot values means couples may face a delay in finalising their financial arrangements as they cannot negotiate or be advised as to what would be a fair settlement without knowing the CETV of their pension fund.

Are Restrictive Covenants too harsh?

Are Restrictive Covenants too harsh?

Would removing non-compete clauses improve worker’s rights? Theoretically, they’re supposed to be in place for C-suite level employees to prevent them taking business secrets to competitors. So, is it necessary to make low-level workers sign non-competes too? Is it too harsh?

Do I need to give paid annual leave for the coronation?

Do I need to give paid annual leave for the coronation?

A right royal holiday clash

Holiday pay for the additional bank holiday on 8th May to celebrate the upcoming coronation is giving employers a headache before a toast has been raised to the new King. 

Redundancy Guide - What You need to know and do

Redundancy Guide - What You need to know and do

This guide will give some useful legal advice to help you know your rights when facing redundancy, and also some helpful action points to help you find another source of income.

New redundancy protection legislation

New redundancy protection legislation

New legislation is expected to complete its course through parliament giving rise to new requirements on employers to offer alternative positions to those subject to redundancy during pregnancy or in the six months after returning to work and businesses must be ready to respond.

Business First Magazine Spring 23

Business First Magazine Spring 23

In this issue we cover lots of topical business issues and challenges from Mergers, Layoffs, Going Global, Commercial Property and more

Can dashcam footage be used in personal injury claims?

Can dashcam footage be used in personal injury claims?

It is estimated that around a quarter of drivers now have a dashcam fitted in their vehicle to bolster personal safety and to provide additional proof if an accident occurs, but while the technology can capture footage of dangerous or careless driving, can the evidence really stand up in court if the worst were to happen?

'Overseas Entity ID' required to buy UK property

'Overseas Entity ID' required to buy UK property

The clock is ticking for overseas companies with property interests in the UK to comply with new money laundering legislation. 

Any overseas entity planning to buy, sell or transfer property or land in the UK, or that owns property in the UK must now be verified and registered at Companies House, with registration completed before the end of January 2023, and with annual reporting in future. 

The importance of reviewing & understanding contracts of employment

The importance of reviewing & understanding contracts of employment

Employment relationships in the modern working world are vast and varied: from workers, to employees, to consultants, to freelancers. On top of this, businesses operate at all times of day and night, many internationally, and following Covid-19, there is an ever-increasing ability for many individuals to work anywhere in the world.